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یمسلمانوں کی تقدیر ہے کہ ہر گمراہ کن سماجی یا سیاسی نظریہ‘اسلام کے نام پر مسلط کیا جائے؟
کبھی ہم نے سوچا ہے کہ جتنی سیاسی‘ سماجی ‘ ریاستی اور طرز حکومت پر مبنی تحریکیں‘ اسلام کے نام پر چلائی گئیں‘ ان کے نتائج کیا ہوئے؟
پاکستانی قوم جوایک قانون دان اور سیاسی شخصیت کی قیادت اور تصورات کے نتیجے میں ‘ اسلام کے نام پر اپنا آزاد ملک حاصل کرنے میں کامیاب ہوئی‘ آج پارہ پارہ کیوں ہے؟
ایک وہ لیڈر تھا‘ جس نے مسلمان قوم کو متحد اور منظم کر کے‘ ہندو اکثریت کے غلبے سے نجات دلائی اور انہیںایک آزاد اور خودمختار قوم کی حیثیت سے‘ دنیا میں اپنا مقام بنانے کا شاندارموقع فراہم کیا ، دوسری طرف مذہبی سیاستدان تھے‘ جو تحریک آزادی کے دوران بھی مسلمانوں کے اتحاد میں‘ رخنے ڈالنے کی کوشش کرتے رہے۔ ان کی اکثریت کی قیادت مذہبی شخصیتیں کر رہی تھیں۔ جن میں ایک قابل ذکر دیوبندی علما کی تحریک تھی، جس نے مسلمان قوم کے نظریئے کو مسترد کرتے ہوئے‘ کانگریس کا ساتھ دیا۔ ایک جماعت اسلامی تھی، جس کے بانی امیر نے قائداعظمؒ اور ان کے ساتھیوں کو تنقید کا نشانہ بناتے ہوئے‘ اصرار کیا کہ قائداعظمؒ اور مسلم لیگیوں کی قیادت میں‘ اسلامی معاشرہ قائم ہی نہیں ہو سکتا اور جو پاکستان یہ بنائیں گے‘ وہ اصل میں ''ناپاکستان‘‘ ہو گا۔
قیام پاکستان کے بعد یہی لوگ‘ مختلف روپ دھار کے‘ مسلمانوں کے اتحاد میں رخنے ڈالتے رہے۔ مذہبی سیاستدانوں نے ‘پاکستانی قوم کو تقسیم کرنے کے لئے سب سے پہلا حملہ ‘ اسلامی تہذیب و ثقافت کے نام پر کیا۔ اس حملے کا اصل نشانہ مشرقی پاکستان کے عوام تھے۔
مشرقی پاکستان کی تہذیب و ثقافت میں‘ فنون لطیفہ کو خصوصی حیثیت حاصل تھی۔ وہاںموسیقی‘ رقص ‘ مصوری‘ فوک تھیٹر اور شعر و ادب ‘ روزمرہ کی زندگی میں رچے بسے تھے۔ یہاں تک کہ مشرقی پاکستان کے علما بھی اسی زندگی کے عادی تھے۔ مغربی پاکستان کے علما نے‘ اس تہذیب کو غیراسلامی قرار دینا شروع کر دیا۔

یہ مدرسے کی محدود فضا میں پروان چڑھے ہوئے وہ ملا تھے‘ جو اسلام کی حقیقی روح اور عظیم تہذیبی روایات سے بیگانہ تھے۔ وہ فنون لطیفہ کی حقیقت کا اعتراف ہی نہیں کرتے تھے اور آج بھی نہیں کرتے کہ اسلامی تاریخ کا عظیم اور سنہرا دور وہ تھا‘ جب ادب‘ سائنس‘ موسیقی‘ طب اور ریاضی کے علوم نے شاندار ترقی کی۔یہ مسلمان تہذیبیںہی تھیں‘ جنہوں نے دنیا کو مہذب زندگی کے آداب سے آشنا کیا۔ عباسیوں کے دور میں فنون لطیفہ کی شاندار ترقی ہوئی۔ جدید علوم کی بنیادیں بھی درحقیقت مسلم تہذیبوں نے ہی مضبوط کی تھیں۔
یہ مکتبی ملائوں کا طبقہ تھا‘ جس نے ایک ایسا تصور اسلام پیش کیا‘ جس میں تحقیق‘ جستجو‘ اجتہاداور ایجادات کی نفی کرتے ہوئے ‘ مسلمانوں کو غوروفکر کی روایت سے دور کر دیا۔ فقہ کے نام پر ہر نئے خیال اور نئے تصور کو مسترد کیا جانے لگا۔ اجتہاد کے دروازے بند کر کے‘ اسے کفر قرار دیا جانے لگا۔ مغربی دانشوروں اور مفکروں نے‘ جو اسلامی تہذیب کی علمی‘ سائنسی اور تہذیبی برتری سے خائف تھے‘ علم و سائنس کو رد کرنے والے علماء کی سرپرستی شروع کر دی اور باقاعدہ ایک منصوبے کے ذریعے‘ غیراجتہادی تصورات کو تاریخ‘ تہذیب اور مذہبی تشریحات و تعبیرات کو فروغ دیا اور ایسا لٹریچر تیار کر کے‘ مسلمان ملکوں میں پھیلایا کہ ان پر اجتہاد کے دروازے بند ہوتے چلے گئے۔

علامہ اقبالؒ نے جرأت رندانہ سے کام لیتے ہوئے‘ اجتہاد کے احیاء پر زور دیا، لیکن مکتبی ملائوں نے ‘ ان کے خلاف مہم شروع کر دی۔ ان کی کردارکشی کی گئی۔ ان کی ذاتی زندگی پر طرح طرح کی تہمتیں لگائی گئیں۔ یہاں تک کہ انہیں کافر قرار دے دیا گیا۔
اقبالؒ تو اپنی شاعرانہ عظمت کی وجہ سے علم و فکر کے میدان میں زندہ رہے، لیکن ان کی اجتہادی فکر سے متاثر ہونے کی روایت آگے نہ بڑھ سکی۔ آج حالت یہ ہے کہ مکتبی ملائوں نے ‘ اسلام میں تحقیق و جستجو کے دروازے پوری طرح سے بند کر کے‘ معاشرے کی تحقیقی اور تخلیقی قوتیں مفلوج کر دی ہیں اور ہمارا معاشرہ بانجھ بن کے رہ گیا ہے۔
قیام پاکستان کے بعد ہمارے معاشرے میں ملائیت نے جس تیزرفتاری سے فروغ پایا‘ اس کا انجام ہم آج تک بھگت رہے ہیں۔ مشرقی پاکستان‘ جسے اپنی منفرد تہذیب و ثقافت کی وجہ سے‘ ملائوں نے اپنا ہدف بنایا تھا‘ آخرکاراسے ہم سے الگ ہونے پر مجبور کر دیا۔ان پر مغربی پاکستانی ملائوں کے تصورات مسلط کئے گئے۔ اسلام کے نام پر ‘ ان کی علاقائی اور تہذیبی آزادیاں سلب کر لیں، حتیٰ کہ اسلامی اور جمہوری اصولوں کے تحت ‘ انہیں ایک فرد ایک ووٹ کی بنیاد پر‘ جو برتری حاصل تھی‘ اس سے بھی محروم کر دیا اور اسلامی جمہوری آئین کے نام پر‘ مشرقی پاکستان کی زیادہ اور مغربی پاکستان کی کم آبادی کو برابر قرار دے کر‘ انہیں جمہوریت کے اکثریتی حق سے محروم کر دیا۔
Nazir Naji dunya.com

Kashmir, India & Pakistan standoff - Lawfare versus warfare

INDIA’S recent suggestions regarding an aggressive or punitive response towards Pakistan, as well as raising the level of tension at the Line of Control is sur­prising. This unfortunate regression takes us back to a position where the threat or use of force as a means of dealing with the Kashmir issue is increasingly becoming acceptable in Indian politics and media.

The contemporary international norm is to avoid using force against another state and in recent times states have moved away from a ‘warfare’ approach and have instead adopted ‘lawfare’ as an alternative means of achieving their political objectives.

‘Lawfare’ is essentially the use of law (both international and domestic) by a state as a tactical ally, as a strategic asset and even as an instrument of war, and has since gained doctrinal status. Prof David Kennedy of the Harvard Law School stated that lawfare “can often accomplish what might once have been done with bombs and missiles.…” It is clear, therefore, that as the international community matures it leaves behind its earlier preoccupation with displays of force and focuses instead on leveraging international and domestic law in order to effect its political and strategic global goals.

The global norm is to avoid using force against another state and to move away from a ‘warfare’ approach.
In this context, it is surprising for the international community that India would revert to such aggressive posturing. This is particularly unexpected given the fact that, in recent history, India has itself preferred to employ lawfare over warfare as its primary strategic and political tool against Pakistan.

For example, following the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India had initially contemplated adopting a warfare approach through the use of surgical strikes. Had they followed through on this the situation would have certainly escalated. Instead, India opted for a lawfare approach, successfully lobbying before the UN and in the US to proscribe the offenders and also insisting that Pakistan fulfil its obligations under UN Security Council Resolution 1373 and bring to justice the Mumbai attack suspects.

Leveraging the existing international legal framework in this way not only allowed India to put considerable international pressure on Pakistan (a ‘tactical’ goal so to speak), it also resulted in a marked drop in the infiltration of non-state actors into India across the Line of Control (a broader, strategic goal).

Again, another lawfare move by India is an attempt to link the Kashmiri mujahideen to terrorist organisations. In doing so, India is trying to draw upon the international zeitgeist of the global, ‘war on terror’ and making efforts to ensure that the Kashmiri self-determination movement loses some of its shine on the international stage.

This was followed up by another lawfare offensive on the part of India, when it neutralised Kashmir’s most effective lobbyist in the US — namely Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai — by invoking US domestic law relating to the registration of agents of foreign states. All these moves resulted in the Kashmiri cause losing some of its lustre internationally until Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s recent speech in the UN revived it.

Pakistan, in turn, has faced initial difficulty in responding to these legal offensives from India, and while Pakistan has fought back on similar grounds it nevertheless has become clear that the recent state practice by India and Pakistan has been to rely on lawfare as a means of contesting positions — whether before the International Court of Justice in the Atlantique case, involving the shooting down of a Pakistan naval plane, or before arbitral fora for water issues under the Indus Waters Treaty framework.

Though the two countries have been to war more than once, these military engagements have done little to resolve the Kashmir issue.

Lawfare should be the preferred option over Kashmir, more so because all aspects of the Kashmir issue are essentially legal propositions. It is a territorial dispute. It involves the interpretation of UN law and bilateral treaties, the Indian and Pakistani constitutions, and holds many other legal elements such as the implications of the exercise of continuing sovereignty by Pakistan over Azad Jammu and Kashmir, not to mention the Modi government’s attempt to amend Article 370 of the Indian constitution.

Thus, no single option to resolve the Kashmir issue can be coerced through the threat or the use of force; instead, they need to be addressed legally and politically. Whether the two states opt for the ‘Musharraf formula’ or the UN resolutions framework, or adopt another bilateral option, this needs to be discussed and resolved through legal means. Any effort or attempt to forcefully upstage the status quo on either side of the LoC would, needless to say, be disastrous and neither India nor Pakistan should make any. After all, the military presence on LoC is an executive expression on behalf of both states: to maintain the sanctity of the LoC until such time as the Kashmir issue as a whole is properly resolved.

As it stands, no one side can ‘evict’ the other, no one side can overpower the other, and any attempt to take over any part of territory on either side of LoC would be viewed as a de facto attack on the territory of the other state.

This time Pakistan has responded with a lawfare approach to the Indian attempted warfare approach, by writing a letter to the secretary general of the UN.

This letter is very significant. It invokes the jurisdiction of the secretary general under the UN Charter since he is directly connected with the Kashmir issue, inter alia, on account of two specific reasons; firstly under the mandate conferred on him under UN Security Council Resolution 1172/98 and secondly because the UN Observer Mission and its budget is routed to the UNSC through the UNSG office.

If Pakistan shows restraint and presses this course further, it will gain more advantage simply because it has been proven that the well-thought-out lawfare move eventually outclasses the short-term warfare move.

If both the states have to contest they should do so through lawfare mechanisms as opposed to the warfare approach.

Lawfare versus warfare
by Ahmer Bilal Soofi, dawn.com

Geo-Strategic importance of Pakistan

Pakistan is located at a region which has great political, economic and strategic location. It has been hub of activities of great powers for last 20 years. It has witnessed intervention of three great powers i-e Britain, USSR, and USA. Its significance was further enhanced during cold war when it becomes ally of US policy of containment of USSR and now the post cold war era has witnessed its significance particularly after the events of 9/11.


Location: Southern Asia lies between 24 and 36.75 northern latitude and between 61 and 7505 eastern longitude.
Area: 7, 96000 sq.km.

Towards north apart from the state of Kashmir is china. It shares 400 km long boarder with china. 
Towards north Tajikistan though no boarder but a narrow strip as Wahkhan strip separate the two. 
Towards east, Punjab-Rajasthan boarders which is 1650 km long
Towards west, Afghanistan and Durand line of 2250 km.
Towards south, Arabian and Indian sea. Coastal belt is about 700 km.

Pakistan significance is enhanced as it lies near the Persian Gulf where 65% of the world’s oil is produced.


a) Proximity of great powers:

Pakistan is located at the junction of great powers. In its neighbor’s one world power Russia and the other emerging power china lies. Any alliance among world powers enhances its significance. This factor has been utilized by Pakistan after 9/11. Security and business are two main US interests in the region while Pakistan is playing a front line role in the war against terrorism. Apart from this US interest in the region to contain the growing china, nuclear Iran, terrorist Afghanistan and to benefit from the market of India. Today the political scenario of the region is tinged with preemption policy and US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran’s nuclear program, India’s geopolitical muscles (new strategic deal with US) to gain hegemony and to counter the rise of china. Which has earned all the qualities to change unipoler world into bipolar world? In all these issues, Pakistan is directly or indirectly involved especially after al-Qeada operations. The American think tank has repeatedly accepted that war against terrorism could never be won without the help of Pakistan. Pakistan has rigorously fought and an ongoing operation in Waziristan is also targeting the suspected Taliban in the bordering area.

b) Gateway to central Asia-(oil and energy game):

Central Asia is the center stage of new Great games. Western quest for resources- oil and energy resources in the central Asia. After USSR decline, new quest started which is as manifested by politics of oil. Pakistan is located very close to the oil rich Middle Eastern countries. The belt started from Iran and extended to Saudi Arabia. Thus, Pakistan can influence shipment of oil. Iran is struggling to export its surplus gas and oil to eastern countries, Qatar, Pakistan and Turkmenistan pipeline projects highlight the position.
In the energy scarce world, Pakistan is located in the hub of energy rich countries i-e Iran and Afghanistan: both are energy abundant while India and china are lacking. China finds way to Indian Ocean and Arabian sea through Karakoram highway,

c) Significance as a Transit economy:

Pakistan has the potential to develop transit economy on account is its strategic location, land locked Afghanistan now at the phase of reconstruction finds its ways through Pakistan. China with its fastest economy growth rate of 9% us developing southern provinces because its own part is 4500 km away from Sinkiang but Gwader is 2500 km away. Moreover, Pakistan offers central Asian regions the shortest route of 2600 km as compared to Iran 4500 km or turkey 5000 km. gwader port with its deep waters attracts the trade ships of china, CAR and south east Asian countries., also the coastal belt of Balochistan can provide outlet to china’s western provinces to have access to middles eastern markets with the development of coastal highways and motorways.

d) Important link in the chain of Muslim countries:

If we look at the map of Muslim countries, Pakistan occupies a central location. Towards west of Iran, china extends to North Africa. Thus it can actively participate in the activities of Muslim world-economic development, transport of resources and above all combat terrorism.

e) Only Muslim country with nuclear capability:

in the region Pakistan is the only Muslim country having nuclear capability which has great influence on the political, socio-economic activities in the region and the maintenance of status quo in the region.


Geo strategic means the importance of a country or a region as by virtue of its geographical location. Stephen Cohn describes this importance “while history has been unkind with Pakistan, its geography has been its greatest benefit.” 

Pakistan is a junction of south Asia, west Asia and central Asia; a way from resource efficient countries to resource deficient countries. The world is facing energy crises and terrorism. Pakistan is a route for transportation and a front line state against terrorism. Moreover Pakistan has been traditionally ally of emerging economic giant; china. So in the vague of any change in world politics, Pakistan’s geo-strategic significance would further be enhanced.

Source: http://defence.pk/threads/geo-strategic-significance-of-pakistan.269246/#ixzz3GcDa6p2r

Keep reading more: http://pakistan-posts.blogspot.com/p/love-pakistan.html

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Imran Khan Addresses massive crowd, Sargodha rocked to the tunes of PTI

Sargodha rocked to the tunes of PTI

SARGODHA: Imran Khan led Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) showed muscle in Sargodha on Friday, after a PTI backed candidate defeated Makhdoom Javed Hashmi in Multan by-election, ARY News reported.
Enthusiastic PTI workers with party flags painted on their faces gave an ambitious welcome to PTI leadership.
The public meeting in Sargodha was held after a stampede at PTI’s rally in Multan’s Qasim Bagh, which left seven people dead and scores of others injured.
According to the party sources, the organizers ensured desperate safety measures to avoid any untoward incident.
Stages passes were issued before the rally to the highest leadership while the local leadership of PTI administered arrangements in and outside the Sargodha stadium.
With the capacity of 40,000, the stadium was stuffed with PTI supporters.
Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Imran Khan, on the stage, restated that his party would not end sit-in until Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif steps down.
“Pakistan, be ready. Next year is the election year,” said Khan while addressing a mammoth rally in Sargodha.
He said by-poll victory in Multan for PTI-backed candidate is a big lesson for Nawaz and PML-N. People of Multan have given a lesson to Nawaz Sharif and the PPP, he added.
“Only a wise nation could get itself liberated.” He asked people to understand that PTI’s crusade against the government was in fact aimed at the ‘corrupt system’.
Imran referred to PM, saying: “Mr. Nawaz Sharif, making of new KP is underway. Let me remind you it’s our [PTI’s] first term and I challenge you to hold elections in Punjab and we hold in KP. It will make the entire situation clear.”
The PTI chairman said people had understood how PPP was exploiting the name of ‘Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’.
He said inflation, poverty will keep on rising until rulers are questioned and held accountable. He slammed Asif Ali Zardari for not declaring his assets to the nation.
Khan said: “We formulated a law titled ‘Conflict of Interest that stipulates no one can run his business while being in power.”
The PTI chief stressed people to question Nawaz Sharif and his family about their source of income. He claimed that record minimum investment was made in Pakistan, due to policies of the PML-N government.
The Vice Chairman PTI Shah Mehmood Qureshi on the occasion
said that PPP supporters would also chant “Go Nawaz GO” in Karachi rally tomorrow.
Making comment on Multan by-elections, Shah Mehmood said that two wickets fell on a single delivery in NA-149 yesterday. He termed the by-elections as game changer for Pakistani politics.
He further said that Larkana is the next target of Imran Khan and on 21st November, PTI will make way into the rural areas of the Sindh.
Pakistan Awami Muslim League chief Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed said country was being befooled with same rulers taking their turns one after the other.
He said Nawaz Sharif is a politician born in General Headquarters (GHQ), while this is not the case with Imran Khan. “Nawaz was born at gate no.4 of the GHQ,” scoffed Rasheed.
Addressing participants at a PTI rally in Sargodha, Rasheed said he invites Nawaz Sharif for a debate in public.
He claimed that rift had been created within PML-N in Punjab. He asked people of Sargodha to wipe out Nawaz Sharif’s politics from the city.
He asked Nawaz Sharif to explain why he did not he depute a deserving ambassador in Qatar. Why a banker was deployed there, he questioned.
Rasheed said Imran would soon call wheel-jam strike across the country.

PTI’s Next stop: Gujrat

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