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Dear PTI Supporters,
Being on the campaign trail, I have interacted with people all over the country and I am happy to share with you that Change has come to Pakistan!
This beautiful land of ours has suffered at the hands of Status quo for the past 65 years. They have failed miserably to improve the lives of its citizens. They have missed the noble opportunity of serving Pakistan because they were too busy serving themselves.
The General Elections of 2013 will be a pivotal moment in our history. The other parties will use money stolen from our country's honest, hardworking, taxpaying citizens. On the other hand, we will be armed with the passion of those citizens and our people living outside of Pakistan who wish to see a Change in Pakistan. Our people have realized that Pakistan is declining and they must take ownership of the country. They have decided to stand up against the Status quo and I am happy to tell you that people have chosen Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf as the means to save Pakistan.
It has taken us seventeen years to get to this point. Many sacrifices have been made, but I can tell you that it has all been well worth it. The once in a lifetime opportunity to create a 'Naya Pakistan' is knocking at our door. It is just 33 days away. I invite you to participate in this historic movement by joining my Tabdeeli Razakar team at and/or by contributing $50 (Rs. 5000) or more to our Naya Pakistan fund at NayaPakistanFund or via the PayPal link below:
As a PTI supporter, you have played a phenomenal role in our success. Continue being part of the change you are seeking, we are only a few days away from building a Naya Pakistan!
Imran Khan
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
Please donate generously, pass on to friends and patriotic Pakistanis to put final nail in the coffin of corruption.
- IMRAN KHAN - PTI Jalsa 31 March SAWAT, & 23 March 2013 Lahore
- CAPITALISM’S ACHILLES HEEL: Dirty Money and How to Renew the Free-Market System RAYMOND W. BAKER ; Page 76-85 on Pakistan: Bhuttos & Sharif's
- Ideology of Pakistan - Fact or Fiction - An Analysis - نظریہ پاکستان - حقیقت یا افسانہ: تجزیہ
- Why Pakistan?
Imran Khan Announces PTI’s Manifesto – 9th April 2013

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