
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari- 10 Questions?

Corruption Cobra


Every one talks of corruption, corrupt political system which protects the rich and corrupts, insisting that this system must be changed... but how? People do come out with solutions which are difficult to implement. Here is the ...
Apr 12, 2012
Corruption Cobra: کرپشن کا شیش ناگ. Was Pakistan created after lot of efforts and blood of millions for these corrupt cobras? If no, what have you done so far? Least should express your opinion to people around, create ...
The Muslim world has the unique distinction of being ruled by the corrupt dictators and kings .The wave of people uprising for change, freedom, democracy and justice has swept across the Middle East. Pakistanis are however ...
While discussing corruption, it was pointed out that there are about 1200 politicians in the assemblies, why corruption by these 1200 people is discussed? Are there only 1200 politicians who are corrupt and no one else?
Cure Corruption Eradicate Terrorism. Pakistani Nation cries and bleeds at hands of corrupt practices which effects majority of society. Few benefit and successfully make others hostage to this corrupt culture. These few play ...
مسلمان ملکوں کي مجموعي آبادي کرہ? ارض کي کل آبادي کا تقريباً 23فيصد ہے جبکہ دنيا کے رقبے ميں اسلامي دنيا کا حصہ بھي تقريباً اتنا ہي ہے? اسلامي ممالک 2011ء ميں بيروني قرضوں کے تقريباً 1683/ارب ڈالر کے مقروض ...
Around 2 millions lost their lives during partition of India and creation of Pakistan in 1947. Thereafter hundreds of soldiers have lost their lives while defending Pakistan. If the corruption scandals in defence purchases are true, ...
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